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- Angelique Voisen
His Biker Bear Page 2
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Page 2
“He passed away in a car accident three weeks before,” Jake finished, fidgeting with his hands, his food left forgotten.
Remembering the full moon when I nearly ran Jake over, I processed his words. Jake was unmated. Free meat, in the most polite terms, and any wolf strong enough to claim him could keep him. I didn’t know werewolf customs well, but in the bear world, if Jake’s keeper didn’t give him his mate mark, another wolf was free to challenge and win Jake for himself. A medieval custom but one followed by the shifter community for centuries. Tradition.
I noticed something I didn’t see before. There was ink on the inside of his wrist, a pack tattoo, reminding me to tread carefully because Jake didn’t belong to himself, not in the real sense of the word. He belonged to the Moonvalley pack. If I messed with his bully, I’d be screwed over by a group of pissed-off wolves.
“I’m assuming since tonight is the first full moon, you’re open for business?”
Jake flinched at the words. He bit his lip and then nodded. “Billy is one of the pack’s enforcers. When Dan was alive, he’d always say he’d pry me away from Dan and breed me for himself.”
The thought of reducing Jake to an object, his worth decided for his ability to carry pups, made my bear boil. A growl tickled from my lips, but my human half remained cold, calm, and logical. Understanding dawned on me. What Jake wanted was a protector, but I was an outsider and had no business tangling with local wolf politics. Shifters from different animal groups might on occasion indulge in some frowned-upon taboo fucking, but we seldom did interspecies mating.
“You’re asking for too damn much, Omega,” I said in a careful tone. “Do you think I’m such a fucking idiot I’d risk my neck for a stranger?”
“No,” Jake said automatically. “I respect you and your strength but don’t you dare be all moral and upright, bear. From the looks of things, you like a challenge. I’m offering you one. I know what you want, and you know what I want. Either accept my offer or go.”
“And what do I want?” I asked him, skeptical, although I knew the answer. Pissed the hell out of me and unnerved me Jake would know me well despite only meeting each other. Then again, our human halves might like to make up lies about our attraction, but our animals never bothered with pretension. My bear wanted the pup. Plain and simple, and I’d never pretended to be a good man. I’d done worse to get a handsome young man to bed.
Jake flashed me a knowing smile. “Me. You fell for me the moment we first met when you almost ran me over.”
I cursed under my breath. How long would Jake continue to hold that over my head? “Fine way of convincing me to be on your team, pup.”
“We had a bad start. Why don’t we try this again? Get some rest. I know bears like a solid eight hours of sleep. Pick me up at my place and we go on a date. No ulterior motives attached.”
I snorted. Unlikely, but Jake’s offer gave me the time to make up my mind. He’d be out of my hair, and I could choose not to meet him. “You want to go on a fucking date? Are you insane? What about hooking me with your guy?”
“We’ll go straight to the auto repair shop after breakfast.” Jake let out a frustrated breath. We finished up our morning feast. True to his word, Jake and I headed outside. Back on my bike with Jake behind me, he directed me to Benson’s Tires and Automotives, a repair shop two blocks from the diner.
“Jude Benson’s the pack’s go-to mechanic,” Jake explained.
“You trust this guy?” I asked, skeptical, remembering the looks the diners gave Jake and me.
“I went to Moonvalley High with the guy.”
“That’s not what I asked.”
“He’s cool. Jude’s kind of the lone wolf. He’s not interested in politics. As long as you can pay, he’ll fix you right up,” Jake explained.
“Good enough for me.” I let Jake do all the talking.
“Jude, my good friend here needs a hand,” Jake began.
Benson flashed me a hostile look a couple of times, telling me he didn’t believe Jake’s cover story about us being old friends. I suspected Jude would have refused the job if Jake hadn’t vouched for me. What a creepy and suspicious town. I couldn’t wait to get the hell out of here. Rumors about Moonvalley being leery of outsiders sounded true enough. After agreeing to a reasonable deal, Jake pulled me aside and led me outside the shop
“Come on, meet me at night and I’ll give you a taste of the best honeyed mead in town,” chimed the relentless pup.
Damn, now that piqued my interest. Did I hear Jake right? “Honeyed mead?”
Jake nodded. “Cross my heart and hope to die, the Crow’s Pub does the best beer and mead around, and they also serve a wicked treacle tart.”
My stomach rumbled, despite having its fill. Jake’s smile widened. The brat knew he had me. “Fine, give me your cell and address.”
“My mama always told me to be careful around strangers, especially bad boy types. I never listened.” Jake let out a quiet, sexy laugh at my pointed look and then grabbed my arm. He lifted my left sleeve, exposing my inked arm. Jake asked Jude for a pen and wrote down his information on the cramped space on my forearm that had no tattoos. “There. Be punctual, honey bear.”
Standing on tiptoe, Jake planted a kiss on the side of my left jaw, tempting lips brushing against my day-old stubble, before stepping back. I licked my lips, tempted to reach over, clasp the back of his neck, and tell him we’re not done. Inches separated our faces and body.
I wanted to claim his lips, fully enjoy the taste and heat of him, but I knew I wouldn’t stop there. My bear demanded I see the task to the finish. It didn’t care about repercussions. From what little Jake told me, I knew involving myself with the feisty Omega might take me to the road leading to hell. By now, word would get around. The local pack Alpha wouldn’t take kindly to an outsider, a bear, sniffing around his valued Omega. I knew all this, yet I stayed when I should have taken another path.
“I don’t know what your intentions are, bear, but you better watch your step,” a voice interrupted my thoughts. Jude stood by the doorway. Had he witnessed our interaction? Could he sense the electricity and terrifying heat eager to consume Jake’s wolf and my bear?
It occurred to me I didn’t care. Jude frowned when I leveled an amused gaze and grin back at him. Jake read me right. I followed no one’s rules. Moonvalley seemed to want me gone, but I refused to leave without my prize. Fuckers didn’t know what kind of bastard their pup welcomed in.
“Changed your mind about doing business?” I asked Jude.
He considered me for a moment and then shook his head. “You paid in cash. Full. I’m not turning a customer away. I need to feed my family.” Jude paused as if considering his next words. “Don’t hurt Jake. Dan’s death hit him hard. No matter how much he tries to pretend, he’s still recovering.”
“Why would you reveal that information to a stranger?” I demanded.
“You don’t look at Jake the way some of the wolves in the pack do. They don’t see Jake as an individual, only a breeder.” Conversation apparently over, Jude headed back in.
I watched Jake’s retreating back, as his figure grew smaller. I could still hear him whistling a cheerful tune under his breath. I wondered why I was eager to dive into the eye of the tornado, knowing it could tear me to bits.
Chapter Three
Dealing with the bear left me unexpectedly worn out, or that probably had to do with running around in the woods all night trying to get away from Billy and his crew. Without cash, I couldn’t take the bus or cab. Sighing, I walked back home, reviewing recent events in my head. When Blake yelled at me on the road after his bike skidded to the side, demanding explanations, I took one good look and knew he was the answer to all my problems.
I sketched his features in my mind. Dark-haired, tanned, inked, tall, and solid—every inch of the werebear was made of lean muscle. Blake would have been handsome, if not for the little imperfections he sported, like his broken no
se and old nicks and scars. He didn’t look the part of pissed-off bear. Quiet strength emanated from him. Most of the wolves who pulled rank in the pack didn’t think twice about reminding weaker and submissive members about their authority.
Placing at the bottom of the barrel in terms of hierarchy, I’d witnessed and experienced a good share of bullying and abuse. Having Dan around helped. A lot. Touching the cold, closed casket that contained his body felt like a rude awakening. Without Dan to watch my back, wolves became braver. Started sniffing around, and Billy turned out to be the worst of the lot. Dan hadn’t been a good protector, but he’d been friends with Lee, the pack Alpha.
Reaching my street and apartment building, I let out a sigh of relief. Stepping into the elevator, my skin prickled once the doors opened to my floor. Sniffing, looking around the corridor, my heart skipped a beat when I spotted Louie Roman emerging from my unit. The front door hung on its hinges, swaying slightly. I froze, unsure what to say or do. Fear hammered in my throat. Right-hand man to Billy, Louie was pure and simple muscle. Taking him in a fight would end in disaster, me beaten bloody, and slung over his shoulder.
Seeing me, Louie grinned, showing me sharp yellow teeth. “Hello, bitch. You run expectedly fast.”
Taking a hesitant step back, I hit the cold metal elevator doors. Wrong move, it seemed. Louie came closer, encouraged. I managed to unglue my tongue. “What the hell do you want, Louie?” I nodded to the broken door. “That’s breaking and entering.”
“What are you going to do, call the cops on me?” Louie sneered. He knew I made a weak accusation. The pack lined the pockets of the local human authorities. Hell, the pack practically owned this shit hole of a town. It didn’t use to be this bad until death took Dan anyway. Christ. I shouldn’t be thinking about Dan.
Sighing, I held out my hands in a gesture of mock defeat. “Why did you come here?”
“Billy wanted to mess your place up.” Louie reached me now. Jabbing a finger on the button, Louie gave my terrified and pathetic figure a cursory glance. A look that made me shudder. No hiding what he wanted. Louie would fuck anything on two legs. He’d never been picky. “Billy’s giving one last chance to come to him, runt, and if you fail to turn up.” Louie licked his lips. “It’s going to be a long night for you.”
Once he disappeared into the elevator, I breathed a sigh of relief. Still, his words shook me. I walked into the home Dan and I shared, ignoring the destroyed door. I didn’t have the cash to replace it anyway. Tearing my gaze from the door, I took a deep breath and looked at the extent of the damage. Furniture had been tossed. Wooden ones ripped and reduced to splinters. Nothing I couldn’t replace until I saw what the bastard did to the frames.
They used to hang on the living room walls. Pictures of Dan and me going back to high school, when he found me cornered by bullies. A phantom hand clutched at my heart. Pain, worse than the cuts and scratches I endured during my night chase with Billy, punctured through half-healed emotional wounds. A sob tore out of my throat, and I wasn’t aware of falling to my knees, borrowed jogging pants digging into carpeting and shattered glass.
All my memories with Dan, preserved forever in photos, were reduced to shredded paper. Tears gathered at the corner of my eyes. I swore I wouldn’t let assholes like Billy break me down. Crying was a sign of weakness, but I could no longer keep it in. I curled into a ball on the ground, ignoring the mess. My life reduced to bits. I let out a hollow laugh.
“Is this a prelude of what’s to come, fucker?” I rasped hoarsely, unsure who I talked to—God, fate, or the universe maybe.
I didn’t know how long I lay there, my cheek dried with tears and pressed against the carpeting. Everything about this place reminded me of Dan. It was unhealthy. I should leave. Gather the courage to get the hell out of town, but seeing the Moonvalley pack tat on my wrist reminded me I couldn’t.
Well, technically, I could have it removed, and tell Lee I no longer wanted to be with the pack, but where would that lead me? Jerks like Billy keep saying a weak Omega like me had to be grateful because the pack gave me protection. As much I hated the bastard, he had a point. If I left Moonvalley, I’d be walking bait. I’d leave one nightmare only to walk into a new one. Plenty of packs out there would welcome the chance to breed an unmated Omega. Turn me into a puppy-making machine.
I rubbed at my eyes. No more tears or weakness. Caving in and mucking about in self-pity wasn’t my style.
Blake was my ticket out, but I knew men like him. They showed interest then left once they had their fill. Right now, all I was working on was the fact Blake wanted me enough to risk his life. If he managed to lay his claim over me, and overwhelm Billy, then no one could touch me until the next full moon. Not a permanent solution, but hey, thirty days of freedom would be worth it.
I rang up Jude. “Can you do me a favor? Do you think I can borrow your car?”
“Planning something special for tonight?” he asked, not hiding the curiosity in his voice.
“Something like that.”
“I’ll drive it over to your place.”
“Thanks, man. You’re a life saver.” I placed the phone down.
Sleep took me, and I didn’t bother crawling to the bedroom. The fucking bed would only remind me of Dan because the sheets, despite being clean, still smelled a little of him.
The sound of a growl jolted me awake. My wolf paced inside me, restless. I rose, shaking off sleep. A quick look around told me daylight was long over. Remembering Louie’s threat, I shivered. The sound came again, full of unexplainable rage. Not, I realized, a noise a wolf would make. Seconds later, Blake lumbered in, nostrils flaring.
Christ, he looked fucking dangerous and cute, coming to my defense my like that. “I’m fine, honey bear. No need to get your boxers in a twist.”
Seeing the wild golden glint in his eyes, my breath caught in my throat. Teasing an angry bear seemed stupid now. Blake expelled a breath. “What the hell happened here?”
“I realized I didn’t like the décor,” I tartly replied. At his snarl, I jumped. Testy bear.
Blake gripped a handful of my shirt. “Tell me the truth.”
I shrugged and gave him the truth. “A pack member wanted to give the place a little Feng Shui treatment.”
Letting me go, Blake frowned, and I could almost see the thoughts flickering in his mind. That accepting my invitation had been a bad idea. Before he could voice his concerns, I threaded my arm with his. “Give me five minutes. I’ll shower, dress, and we can go out for dinner.”
Without another word, I left Blake to his devices. Once in the safety of the bathroom, I shuddered, leaning my head against the tiles while hot water pounded down my back. Parts of me still ached from the chase the night before. Furious, I scrubbed away all the blood, dirt, and sweat. Some part of me wanted to be clean for Blake, a childish and naïve part that believed Blake would agree to be a cast-off Omega’s mate.
Foolish thoughts, but I couldn’t help myself. With Dan gone, I felt more alone than ever. I wanted Blake to be more than a temporary fix, but what I wanted didn’t matter. Hearing the bathroom room opening, I whirled, eyes wide. Blake’s massive frame took up most of the doorway. He looked imposing, dressed in his leathers and plain white shirt, but never before had I felt safe with anyone else—despite the way Blake looked at me. His golden gaze was alit with feral hunger, the kind hot enough to burn, to make me flush under the water.
“Don’t you know how to knock?” were the words I wanted to say. Instead, something else came out.
“You like what you see, honey bear?” I became aware of my slick body angled toward Blake. No doubt he could see all of me. The old abrasions and bruises he’d seen the night before and my aching dick, curving upward in need.
A strangled groan came out of Blake. His need to hold on to his control stunned me because I could see his erection pressing against his faded jeans. Come in, I silently willed. Come and claim me, but seeing Blake there made me uncertain.
/> I set out to lure him in, but I was not sure I could come out intact from this trap. Blake was dangerous because without knowing it, he already owned my body. The way I responded to him fucking frightened me and excited me at the same time. My wolf knew Blake was the one. The beast possessed a surety my human half couldn’t fathom.
“Anyone ever told you that tempting a bear isn’t fucking wise, pup?”
The sound of his voice, gruff like gravel, made me shudder.
“Don’t you know, bear? I’m the sort who likes doing the opposite.” I reached for my aching cock and began to fist myself. Up and down, motions slow and teasing.
Blake let out a low growl, and he pinned my gaze with his. Facing Blake, I rested my back against the tiles and gave him a good show. Taunting him, pushing him, I closed my eyes, arched my back, and thrust my hips toward my waiting hand. It was Blake’s hand I imagined holding my dick captive, slowly hurtling me over to the edge, and his voice, denying me release.
“Fuck, Blake,” I hissed, incredibly turned on with Blake watching me.
Something rattled, and I opened my eyes to see Blake clutching at the doorknob. The force of his grip twisted the metal, but I didn’t pause. Blake’s gaze told me everything about the dirty things he wanted to do to me, and how he knew I’d only beg him for more. Submissive shifters with sense didn’t trust random strangers, but I felt safe with Blake.
Blake nearly ran me over, but he could have taken advantage once he scented me. I’ve lived in Moonvalley all my life. Learned my place in the pack early, but never once did Blake remind me of my inferior status. Baiting Blake wasn’t wise. Seeing him struggle to keep his bear away made me feel guilty, but I couldn’t go back. My dick became rock hard and my balls ached. I was close to bursting, and Blake stood there, not leaving.
Finally, Blake made a move. Letting go of the doorknob, Blake took a step toward me, and then another. I watched him with half-lidded eyes and flashed him a lazy smile. He entered the shower enclosure, blocking the exit. To my mounting frustration, Blake reached for the shower handle to turn the water off.